Scar Work Therapy

ScarWork Therapy is provided in clinic by Occupational Therapist Katy Healy. Katy joins us for monthly Monday clinics.

Scar work Therapy is a light touch manual therapy, using hands directly on the surface of the skin.

There are no lubricants or medical devices

It addresses tissue damage associated with scarring resulting from trauma or surgery

Scar work is a gentle therapy and treatment is always centred around the client’s comfort levels

What sort of scars can it benefit?

  • C-section scars

  • Mastectomy scars

  • Orthopaedic surgical scars eg joint replacement/ORIF

How does it help?

  • Release tightness

  • Improve range of motion

  • Stimulate healing

  • Reduce pain and sensitivity

  • Support emotional wellbeing

Katy runs her own diary therefore we are do not take bookings/cancellations for Katy. You can book appointments using the button below. You can also get in touch with her directly by emailing: