Important service update

If someone had said a month ago that our schools would be closing from now until the summer I never would have believed it. But here we are a month down the line, with schools closing, social distancing now part of our common parlance and daily updates about panic buying. It’s a very unsettling time.

I made the decision on Monday to cancel all Pilates classes until further notice & am in the process of providing refunds to everyone that attends. I was hoping to continue providing Physiotherapy consultations.

Since that decision was made my family have self isolated as my daughter developed a cough which met the criteria for isolation. We are hoping that we may be able to access testing as my husband is a frontline NHS staff member & we think they might want him back at work! Hopefully we will test negative and be able to get back out there a little earlier than originally thought.

As the rules are changing so quickly regarding working practices and social distancing, I am cancelling all appointments within the next fortnight and not rebooking them. I will reassess the situation at the time I am out of isolation. If it is appropriate to continue to see people within the clinic I most certainly will, with extra precautions in place eg 15min intervals between patients. If this is not possible and there is demand, I will offer online consultations. I am contacting everyone individually to discuss this.

Lets finish on a positive note!

I have had the most amazing feedback from everyone regarding Pilates classes and I am excited (terrified) at the prospect of developing an online service.

The sense of community in Kingswells has been phenomenal. Our neighbour dropped in cupcakes, we’ve been inundated with offers of help from friends and a scheme for ensuring every street has a contact for offering assistance with shopping etc has been rolled out. It’s pretty awesome.

And while we’re able to, we are prioritising time outside and started work on the veggie patch today. I think we might need a good one this year.

Thanks everyone for your understanding & get in touch if you have any questions.
