Massage Therapy

Massage therapy within our clinic is provided by Jennifer Herbert of Fulcrum Myotherapy. Read on to find out more about services and booking.


Fulcrum Myotherapy

Jennifer Herbert of Fulcrum Myotherapy is in clinic with us every Wednesday & Friday offering amongst other things:

  • Massage therapy

  • C section scar massage

  • TMJ massage

When Jennifer isn’t with us she is working from her own clinic space in Laurencekirk.

Jennifer is a certified Myotherapist and Remedial Massage Practitioner, mum of two and outdoor enthusiast! A fascination with movement, anatomy and nutrition led to the to the study Myotherapy & Remedial Massage Therapy. Jennifer was lucky enough to study in Melbourne acheiving an Advanced diploma in Remedial massage.

​This training covered a variety of techniques from myofascial release, dry needling, trigger point therapy, fire cupping, relaxation, TMJ and C-section scar treatment.  

Appointments an be made with Jennifer using the Button above.