Class passes- How do they work?

We think our class passes provide an excellent value option for classes, but want to make sure everyone is happy with how they work.

Read on for everything you need to know

  • Pass activation: Your pass will activate on the date of your first booked class and is valid for 60 days from that point

  • Validity period: The pass is valid for 60 days from the first class booking. Classes must be booked and attended within the 60 day window.

  • Booking order: If you’re scheduling multiple classes, please book in chronological order.

  • Waitlists: Wait list spots will only be deducted from your class pass if they fall within the 60 day validity period.

  • Choose the right pass: Our 10 and 20 class passes are designed to streamline the booking process for our most regular attendees. Passes are non refundable, so please ensure you choose the pass that best suits your needs.

  • Pay as you go option: The option to pay per class remains available.

  • Class passes are non refundable: Pick the right pass for you, use it or lose it!

  • Check expiry dates: You can check the expiry dates on your packs on a computer or tablet. If you don’t have access to this, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.

  • Please read the terms of your pack before you purchase!

As much as we love our class passes, remember there’s always the option of paying for individual classes as you go on a £16.50 per class basis.

Can’t wait to see you in a class soon.