
I would like to begin by wishing you a happy New Year.

I stopped running face to face Physiotherapy appointments during the first lockdown in March, whilst offering virtual consultations instead. When I returned to clinic in July I made the decision to absorb the increased costs that the pandemic has brought with it, such as PPE and reduced appointment capacity.

To enable me to follow cleaning/ventilation guidance I currently leave 15min gaps between each appointments, which over the course of a day adds up to lost appointments.

As there is no sign of any changes to PPE/cleaning procedures I have now decided I need to make a small increase in clinic prices. 30 and 45min Physiotherapy appointments are increasing by 10%. Hour long Women’s health appointments will match Mummy MOT appointments at £65. 30min online appointments are increasing to £25.

These price rises will come into effect from 1st February.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Clinic pricelist 2021