Slips, trips and falls

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It's back to the time of year when I see more people in clinic after slips, trips or falls in the snow and ice. I have put together some tips for management of these injuries.

How to manage acute injuries:

We've moved on from RICE and now use the acronym POLICE for managing injuries, I'll explain this more below.

  • Protect-avoid aggravating movements, use a support, splint if required

  • Optimally

  • Load (this means where possible we should be moving joints with as much weight or resistance as they can tolerate)

  • Ice

  • Compression(tubigrip, neoprene support)

  • Elevation

When to seek medical help?

I would recommend seeking a medical opinion ASAP if you have:

  • Lower limb injury and are unable to weight bear.

  • Obvious deformity

  • Very specific, immediate onset localised swelling for example an egg shaped swelling in the wrist region after a fall on an outstretched hand

  • Significant pain on passive (someone else moving) movement of a joint

When to see a Physio?

  • After any injury which doesn't require medical attention eg sprained ankle/wrist

  • After muscle strains/tears

  • After removal of plaster cast after bony injury

What can Physio do?

Assess, diagnose and treat acute injuries. Treatments may include:

  • Specific injury management advice

  • Personalised exercise programmes to optimise movement, return strength and function

  • Ultrasound

  • Soft tissue massage

  • Joint protection eg taping/supports

If any further investigations are required I can liaise with your GP.

Please get in touch if you have any questions and stay safe out there.