An active lunch break

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Did you hear the news last week that the law had been changed in France to allow workers to have lunch at their desk?

Although I'm sure many in France have had lunch at their work stations prior to COVID19, it certainly seems that there is more of an ethos of taking a proper lunch break.

I see a lot of people in clinic with low back, neck or shoulder pain which is contributed to by sitting for long periods of time.

Coronavirus and working from home also seems to be impacting mechanics, with more people displaying tightness in the hips as they are sitting longer and are less active at work and missing walking/cycling to work.

I am not a subscriber to the belief of sitting in a 'good posture' at all times (there's a lot of literature to support me on this) and advocate regular movement and changing position instead.

Getting away from your desk at lunchtime can be an easy way to encourage a bit more movement and help the management of joint aches/pains related to sitting. If you can get out for a 10 minute brisk walk that's even better!

As well as the mechanical benefits, walking after lunch can aid digestion, as can eating and enjoying a slower lunch.

Going back to France, athough workers tend to have a longer lunch break the country scores well on productivity. Even a small amount of activity at lunch time can improve your concentration levels.

Are you going to start taking a lunch break next week?